There was change of view today as we could see the rain approaching from Wanaka, although more often than not we can see the rain in the distance and it never reaches us. Rabbits are the trouble makers in Central Otago. Although we try and find the holes, drop in a little gas pellet and block them off it was demoralising to drive in later in the day to find so many dancing over our cleared site.

Tonight I made use of two little pork belly steaks I had in the fridge. I cooked them with apple slices and apple cider and served with roasted little potatoes with red onion, garlic, lemon, black olives and prosciutto along with a section of green vegetables.
Roasted Potatoes with Lemon, Olives and Prosciutto
12 small potatoes ( 6 each ) 1 lemon – sliced thinly, , 1 red onion – sliced, 3 cloves garlic – sliced thinly, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil , 1/4 cup black olives, 4 slices prosciutto ( or bacon ) – ripped into 4, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
In a small roasting dish combine the potatoes, lemon, red onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Toss with olive oil. Bake in a hot oven 200 C for 20- 25 minutes. Add black olives and prosciutto and return to the oven for 5 minutes.
Rub pork belly steaks ( can use pork steaks/ pork chops or fillet ) with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Panfry pork in a hot pan to brown on all sides. Add a peeled sliced apple and 1 cup apple cider or ginger ale. Place a lid on and cook for 10-15 minutes – Remove the lid and cook until sauce is reduced and thick . Season . My green vegetables were 1/2 sliced florence fennel, 1/2 leek sliced thinly, 1 cup blanched green beans. Sauté fennel and leek in a saucepan until they have softened. add blanched beans. Season and serve. Remember I am only serving two – although most nights you wouldn’t know that – Consequently the extras are nice to share.
Travel Memories
Garden Visits are always reflected in my tours . They are a passion for me and Philip have so much fun researching and becoming immersed in their history, plantings and totally thrilled when we can meet the owners.
Two of my avourite gardens in Normandy are close to Bayeux . The restored formal garden facing the De Brecy Chateau looked impeccable even on a wet afternoon. Layers of immaculately clipped topiary and hedges step up a hillside away from the chateau and provide a perfect vista all year round. I have fallen in love with French roses and even in the damp weather they still smell amazing .
But my all time favourite is the garden of Castillon. It is also set behind a Chateau hiding in the trees but created and developed over the past 40 years. We met Collette and her husband, the now very elderly couple responsible for the garden. He told us how he remembers the Nazi soldiers leaving the Chateau, where he lived with their grandmother on the 7th June 1944, one day after the landing at Omaha after they occupied their house for 4 years..Their creativity and expertise is evident as you walk from one room to another, each filled with different plantings and bound together with the neatest yew, box and hornbeam hedges.

Keep Safe Everyone and if your in the South Stay Warm
XXX Jude