The driveway trees are all planted and although it looks rather bare, satisfaction and pleasure has taken over from the sore muscles. Isolation has been good for and provided time to complete a big job that we never in our wildest dreams thought would be done this year.

I turned a pack of mince from the freezer into a ragu and served with cheesy double baked potatoes and topped with a selection of sautéed green vegetables and cherry tomatoes. Very simple and comforting after our energetic weekend.

Baked Stuffed Potatoes
2-3 smallish potatoes per person, grated cheddar cheese, 50 grams butter , milk, salt and pepper.
Wash and dry potatoes, prick with a fork. Place in a baking dish and bake at 180 deg Celsius for 30-40 minutes or until soft. leave to cool a little . Cut the tops off. Scoop the potato flesh out of the skins into a bowl, mash with a knob of butter and a little milk . Add a generous amount of grated cheese and season with salt and pepper. Spoon back into the potato skins. (leave the tops to brown and crisp) Return to the oven until crisp and golden.
Beef Ragu
500 grams mince, 1onion, 4 cloves garlic crushed, 1 carrot , 1 stick celery , 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, ½ cup red wine, 400 gram can peeled tomatoes 500 mls beef stock
In a food processor combine the onion, garlic, carrot and celery. Pulse until chopped finely. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the vegetables – called sofrito, cook until soft, Add the mince and cook until well browned. Add wine, tomatoes and beef stock. Bring to the boil and simmer slowly until the liquid is evaporated and the sauce is very thick. Spoon Ragu over the baked potatoes and top with vegetables of your choice. I sautéed fennel, added a few blanched beans and threw in my soft cherry tomatoes that needed using. Finish off with a pile of grated parmesan cheese.
Travel Memories
It is Spring in Scotland and as my departure day is looming this week I will miss the many fabulous garden visits we include on this tour. The garden of Cawdor castle and its ancient Laburnum arch is always stunning and I just love visiting every year. The blue bells carpet the stands of birches everywhere.

Well done you two!! What a marvellous effort. We know how hard work it is!! But looks fabulous. Great memories of typical central Otago landscapes. Take care, rest up now? xx Heather and Steve
Thanks Heather. we are delighted with how our peroperty has evolved over the last 6 weeks and… we are enjoying ourselves.
Enjoy your weekend. XXX
Hi Heather and Steve … long time no see… hope you both well up there. I’m retired in Wanaka. Cheers Val Ransom