Everyone interested in gardening is proud of their exploits and achievements especially during Spring. Work over the winter pays off and what seems like a few days turns a mass of new foliage in every shade of green and a riot of colour from the early flowering Aquilegia’s, Digitalis and Irises to Oodles of rose buds waiting to burst into bloom.
My dear friend Penny invited me to visit her colourful garden, where seeded plants spread in abundance and produce a spectacular display. Ranging from a multitude of pale Aquileia’s, antique hues of wall flowers to the dazzling cinerarias showing off in front of a wooded shed.I will be back to collect seeds in the Autumn, meanwhile Penny will have a succession plan and her garden will remain colourful throughout the summer. The smell of freshly baked Ginger nuts in Penny’s kitchen was too much for me and after eating a couple had to have the recipe. Really!!! homemade biscuits are so easy and definitely delicious.
In contrast my neighbour Juliet just threw in a packet of sweet peas in amongst her lavender bushes. When I went across the road to raid her herbs, she said come and pick some sweet peas – I thought she was referring to the new tender tips and was astonished to find colourful sweet peas cascading and tumbling out and over her path literally covered in fabulous pink flowers. I am now enjoying a vase of tendrils spilling out of a vase on our mantle.
Inviting friends into your garden is very satisfying. Taking time to sit, enjoy and share ideas over a tea or coffee and…. a few freshly baked biscuits is not only rewarding but good for the soul.