As I depart on my tour to Italy and France and leave our sparce winter garden behind I will get to return in Spring and a garden bursting with new life . It already shows signs as new pink blossoms are just starting to appear and the peony roses have buds.
However, Winter Roses or Hellebores or Lenten Roses or Christmas Roses -what ever you want to call them have to be my favourite in a winter garden – we have planted the orientalis in a patch by themselves to flower, seed and multiply. Providing us with an enjoyable mass from white, pink through to mauve and purple. Drifts of rambling green Corsica varieties flop over the rock walls and fill the gaps between the bare roses.
I could easily have these beauties everywhere . They look after themselves, have great green foliage year round and require very little effort to produce a rewarding display .
My lovely friend Christine Boswijk sent me these beautiful photos of her hellebores which look gorgeous in her kitchen with her stunning colourful pottery as a backdrop.