Category Archives: Summer

Market Differences in Brisbane



Whenever I visit a new country or region or city or village. I find the best way of meeting the locals and getting a feel for the food and culture is to find out when and where the farmers Market is on.

I had the opportunity to spend a few days on the Gold Coast recently ..
It was hot…

We did walk the beautiful beach each morning . We did swim and enjoy a beer by the pool and I did find a great restaurant … In fact I went back 3 times.
Check out the ‘ Social Eating House’ Broadbeach. You won’t be disappointed.


Summer Vegetable Gardening in Small Spaces is Worth it


Our Vegetable garden is small made up of 4 raised beds. Its astounding how many varieties of vegetables can be jammed into every available space.

Although our Garlic and Red Onions are not large this year they will keep us going well  into the Autumn and Winter.

The nasturtiums have established themselves along the paths and they look amazing rambling through the hedges –   plus the flowers are gorgeous in a vase.

Remember now is a good time to plant coriander ( it won’t bolt so much ) and keep up with the lettuces, Florence Fennel, celery and cavalo nero – Plus a huge range of winter vegetables

PicMonkey Collage

Christmas 2013

Make sure you enjoy the beautiful selection of berries available this Christmas